Wednesday, July 31, 2019

PharmaCare essay

The twenty-first century has seen pharmaceutical companies grow in unprecedented size and strength. Due to the unprecedented growth the larger pharmaceutical companies have gained leverage and power in the prescription drug industry, but they lack innovation to market and they seek ways to help the business continue to increase its profits. The pharmaceutical industry was once ethically sound and was a valuable player in the development of human health. However, overtime with the lack of innovation pharmaceutical companies are becoming an unethical market that exploits patients, doctors and anyone else it can to increase its profitability.With eyes only on profitability this can create a hazard for patients because there is deficient testing of the drugs prior to the drugs hitting the American market. In this research paper we will cover the many facets of PharmaCare, Coleria, and Wellco and the drug AD23 side effects, and its manufacturing in an impoverished nation with the low wage s and unsafe working conditions. All of which will be covered throughout this document. Marketing and Advertising The Food and Drug Administration relaxed the regulations regarding the need to advertise the side-effects of prescription drugs in 1997.  (FDA)The relaxed regulation allows for direct-to-consumer advertising and this change the marketing strategies. There is now an influx of pharmaceutical advertising using infomercials. Gary Humphreys informs us in his article, â€Å"Direct-to-Consumer Advertising Under Fire†, that pharmaceutical companies â€Å"spent just under $5 billion last year alone† (576) on this type of advertising. The infomercials somehow make consumers believe that there is a need for them to have the drug and therefore create an increase in its sales.Because consumers have a desire to take control of their health they are now going in the doctor’s office and telling the doctor’s about the infomercial and the drug that they would like to try. However, consumers are not aware that they prescription drug companies are not required to share all of the side-effects of the drugs and it may cause serious health problems when consumers can ask for drugs by name. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention prescription drug abuse is not an epidemic. The high use of prescription drugs has led to a decrease use in illegal drugs.In the United States it is common for Medical Doctors to receive a sales pitch from a drug company regarding their prescription drugs and highlight the many benefits of it as well. This is target marketing in which drug companies are targeting those in the medical field and those that are most likely to offer the product to a consumer and in turn this will lead to an increase in drug sales. This practice leads to questions related to medical ethics in the industry. Intellectual Property Protection The laws and regulations have strengthened the intellectual property protection o f branded drugs.One of the primary reasons for the Intellectual Property Protection was to get the pharmaceutical world thinking and give incentives for those who are being innovative. Products can be fixed for a specified time frame if they have a patent; what this means is it eliminates any direct competition which in turn allows the inventor to set the price of the drug and many times they are charging top dollar. The inventor is trying to recoup all money spent on the creation of the drug while also making a hefty profit.The Intellectual Property Protection have increased patent life of approximately 50 percent of all drugs from 1980 to present which contributes to prescription drug spending. A 1998 Congressional Budget Office (CBO) study showed that manufactures tend to introduce new branded drugs at premium prices, and then raise these prices. The study found that even after similar branded products enter the market, drug companies often continue to increase the price. The eth ical issue is because when the patent is lengthened it delays the entrance of less expensive generic drugs.And as a result the branded drugs dominate the market and the cost is passed down to the consumer. Regulations and Product Safety The Federal Food, Drug Administration is responsible for establishing the Code of Federal Regulations which outlines the rules and regulations governing pharmaceuticals. The rules are divided into sections and include guidance based on drug categories. Due to each person having varying reactions to pharmaceutical products not all side-effects are detected during clinical testing.The Federal Food, Drug Administration is responsible for sharing the information with consumers. However, it seems a bit unethical because the large pharmaceutical companies do not have to share all of side-effect information that may assist consumers in making its choice on whether to try a product or to not try a product. Through various survey’s it was discovered th at consumers are under the opinion that pharmaceutical companies need to have improved internal controls to ensure their compliance with regulations.Due to physicians and pharmaceutical companies working together and are dependent on one another there needs to be controls in place that would have an unbiased view of the regulations. The government will need to continue introducing new regulations that will aide in monitoring the relationships. Direct-To –Consumer Marketing Direct to consumer is a form of advertising that markets directly to consumers bypassing the distributor. In the mid 1980’s pharmaceutical companies provided information about prescription drugs to doctors and pharmacists.The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) allowed print ads to run and the pharmaceutical companies had great success and were then permitted to begin running advertisement on television. Currently over $5 billion is spent annually to present this advertisement to the American public vi a direct marketing print ads, television broadcast, and online. There is an issue with this is that the FDA does not voluntarily monitor these ads and the advertisement may actually be misleading and the American public may not be aware that the ad did not pass the FDA check.The Office of Prescription Drug Promotion (OPDP) is required to take action against ads that violate the law and are required to take action along with communicating information to consumers and employees in the health care industry. Prescription-drug ads prompt nearly one-third of Americans to ask their doctors about an advertised medicine, and 82% of those who ask say their physicians recommended a prescription. The findings in a national survey by USA TODAY, the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Harvard School of Public Health come as drug advertising hit a record $4. 8 billion in 2006, up from $2.6 billion in 2002.â€Å"Our survey shows why the drug companies all these ads: They work,† says Drew Altman , president of the Kaiser Foundation. â€Å"Many people get drugs they otherwise wouldn't. While there's a debate about whether that's a good thing for patients, it does cost the country more. † Among people who requested a drug, 44% said physicians gave the one they asked about, while slightly more than half said doctors prescribed a different drug. Sometimes, doctors did both. When duplicate answers were removed, the poll found 82% of patients got some type of prescription.  (USA Today)I would make the argument against Direct-to-Consumer marketing although it seems to be is working and putting the choices back into the consumers’ hands. My argument against the direct-to-consumer advertisement is simply because consumers are not being provided all the necessary details about a product. Drug makers are ignoring the guidelines that apply to consumer education and are highlighting only a few on the many side-effects. Consumers often will not take into consideration doc tor’s recommendations also because they visit their doctor with hopes of gaining the same results as what was shown in the marketing ad.The many infomercials seem to favor male enhancements drugs such as Cialis and Viagra which can confuse children if they, see the infomercial. It should be the responsibility of physicians to determine the proper medications for their patients. Compounding Pharmacy Regulators Generally, state boards of pharmacy will continue to have primary responsibility for the day-to-day oversight of state-licensed pharmacies that compound drugs in accordance with the conditions of section 503A of the FDCA, although FDA retains some authority over their operations.For example, the adulteration or misbranding of drugs compounded under section 503A, or false or misleading statements in the labeling or advertising of such drugs, may result in violations of Federal law. Firms that register with FDA as â€Å"outsourcing facilities† under section 503B wil l be regulated by FDA and inspected by FDA according to a risk-based schedule. (FDA) In the PharmaCare scenario should have enacted the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) of 1992 earlier. According to Forbes magazine, to solve this problem, Congress enacted the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) of 1992.PDUFA provided a mechanism whereby charges were levied on pharmaceutical companies for each new drug application (NDA) filed. The revenues from these â€Å"user fees† were used to hire 600 new drug reviewers and support staff. These new medical officers, chemists, pharmacologists, and other experts were tasked with clearing the backlog of NDAs awaiting approval. Consequently, the FDA was able to reduce review times of NDAs to 12 months for standard NDAs and to 6 months for priority applications that involved significant advances over existing treatment.As a result of PDUFA,  the timing of U. S. drug approvals began to mirror that of the rest of the world. (Forbes) If the Act was in place the pharmaceuticals would have been reviewed sooner and it could have possible saved lives. Utilitarianism: The ethical theory of Utilitarianism would state that any decision concerning business conduct should be proper and the decision that is made should be best for the greatest number of people. When looking at the PharmaCare scenario did not allow all stakeholders the option to take into consideration the drug that they were providing to them.It would seem as though the management team and Coleria focused only on the thought and idea that the pharmaceuticals would produce more good than harm or bad consequences and in this case if they had gambled they would have lost. They continued to sell that drug with a thought process that the drug was helping more people than hurt with only a small number of people affected by side effects therefore it justified the need to continue producing and distributing. Deontology: The deontological ethics places morality and moral laws as a standard in which people should make their decisions.The process used by PharmaCare and Coleria did not follow deontology because although the company and its management staff was aware of the side effects of the drugs being made and the numerous deaths that were caused they did nothing to stop its production. They were more concerned about the profits they were gaining and did not take into consideration the moral outcome. PharmaCare or Coleria did not treat consumers as they would like to be treated therefore we know that PharmaCare and Coleria did not operate under the ethical values of deontology.Virtue ethics: Virtue ethics suggests that helping people is a good charitable and kind thing to do. The virtue ethics although seem as though they would be the same as deontology it differs because it focuses in the motives a moral character and emotions in our moral life. The management team at PharamaCare or Coleria did not seem to consider the virtue ethics at least not to those that worked with them. The virtue of honesty was absent in its transactions and the way that business was done.Something that is important to a person  that is operating under virtue ethics they consider the actions of what they are doing and honest people would not do dishonest acts intentionally because they would have believed that honesty is the best practice. Ethics of care: Pharmaceutical companies have a duty to provide medicines to both the physicians and the consumers that will address the health needs of its patients in a safe manner with little to no side effects. PharmaCare and Coleria again did not accomplish this simple duty of care. The company provided a medicine that caused great harm and even death to some in order to earn a few extra dollars.There was a huge conflict of interest between the PharmaCare, Coleria and the consumers who needed the medications because there was a duty to share the side effects, there was a duty to provide additional testi ng on the medicine and there was a duty to discontinue the manufacturing of the drug when the drug failed to do what consumers needed. The health of the consumer or patient should be presented to them completely free of bias or potential for bias and consumers should not be misled. Your own moral/ethical compass:PharmaCare and Coleria had a moral and ethical duty to do what was right and in my opinion that did not adhere to any moral ethical standards in their business transactions. Their lies and misleading strategies hurt those that needed them and those that were in a vulnerable condition. There were many people that requested, believed in, and should have benefited from a medicine that would help them lead a more fulfilling life and in some instances it ended their lived prematurely. PharmaCare and Coleria were obligated to share with consumers the main risks that were associated with taking the drug.When considering the moral and ethical questions in some instances when thinkin g of the case it swayed even in mid-thought on occasion. The thoughts went from what would I do if I were in need of the medication would I want to take it and risk the side effects because of a promise of improved health. Or would I pass on taking the drug and continue suffering with my illness. I was under the thought that although many died that had it not been for the large profits that the pharmaceutical companies received, that it would have been simply said that they were improving  humanity and the quality of life.There is no agreement with the steps that were taken and it seems a bit unfair for many, it was not the proper thing for PharmaCare and they should have discontinued the use and production of the drug until testing and improvement was done. PharmaCare/Coberia – Intellectual Property law The generous laws in the United States regarding Intellectual Property laws aided in protecting PharmaCare and its manufacturer Colberia. However, these protection laws fai led to protect the workers at Colberia or the many consumers that were hurt or killed due to a bad drug.It has been said that intellectual property is a pharmaceutical company’s most valuable resource because it can protect the company and help with the success of the company. Colberia a developing nation aided PharmaCare in manufacturing an affordable drug and along the way PharmaCare exploited the intellectual property laws. In the 1990’s there was an urgent need for medications and PharmaCare acted on greed without taking into consideration the harm it could do the reputation of its business due to its interpretation of intellectual rights.Because Colberia was a less developed country PharmaCare was able to find intellectual property protection. The drug AD23 was manufactured in Colberia at much lower cost which was seen as a great opportunity for PharmaCare. Unfortunately, PharmaCare was not able to manage the facilities or the business adequately. Intellectual pro perty laws have faced scrutiny over the years and increasing pressure to ensure that intellectual property laws and standards are not compromised.PharmaCare did not create economic growth in Colberia the wages it paid to the workers was unfair and unjust given the huge profits and bonuses received by PharmaCare and its management staff. PharmaCare repays Colberia PharmaCare has a moral obligation to pay Colberia and its citizens by investing in the area. There are many things that the giant pharmaceutical company can do, however it would be best if life-long improvement were made to have a positive impact on generations.The Global Poverty Info Bank says it best; â€Å"Improve the infrastructure, fighting widespread disease, and combatting poverty. Infrastructure- the physical resources like roads, telecommunication networks, schools and drains – is necessary for a society to function: people can’t access healthcare if there are no hospitals; trade can’t take pl ace if there are no roads on which to transport goods to markets. Infrastructure facilitates the basic functions of a society that are necessary to transport resources and people, produce and trade goods provide essential services and ultimately reduce poverty.Suggest at least three (3) ways the company could compensate the people and nation of Colberia for the use of its intellectual property and the damage to its environment. † I agree with the assessment of repaying Colberia with putting money and resources into the country to build new infrastructure, provide medical resources and medications to fight widespread disease and then assist with fighting hunger by providing resources to teach and provide items for growing and cultivating plant foods. PharmaCare could make amends to the entire country by aiding the citizens in developmental growth.PharmaCare vs. Nike – Ethics Both PharmaCare and Nike hired laborers to perform work that would have cost substantially more i n the United States. Both PharmaCare and Nike received a wave of consumer criticism and other negative feedback because of the unfair labor practices. Both have been accused of human rights violations and when you think of the countries in which they place the manufacturing businesses along with the working conditions, although completely different lines of business and different types of manufacturing; they both faced similar consumer backlash and economic concern.Both will need to ensure that working conditions are up to acceptable standards and that workers are fairly compensated. A Code of Conduct should be drawn up and all management and workers should sign. The Code of Conduct would consist of hours, compensation, reporting, training and employee or employer expectations. PharmaCARE and WellCo lawsuitThe lawsuits against PharmCare and Wellco are possible and would be very successful. Many of those that had taken the drug along with those that are left behind should have the ri ght to sue and be successful at gaining compensation. Due to many of the side effects that were not disclosed it lead to the hospitalization and death of the patient should ensure compensation to those affected due to their loss. Often times companies with  a lot of financial resources prefer to settle the case quickly and have little public exposure and many have all parties involved to sign a confidentiality clause. The various types of restitution are:†¢Death of a loved one †¢Loss of quality of life †¢Pain and suffering’ †¢Lost wages die to poor health †¢Medical costs Any person negatively impacted whether they are a patient or employer will have the opportunity to recoup some of its losses or acquire punitive damages. The faulty drugs had a devastating effect on many people and the pharmaceutical companies made a huge profit, and most are covered by insurance policies that would assist in paying the many forthcoming lawsuits.The PharmaCare brand At the current time PharmaCare continues to build its brand and is trying to regain consumer confidence. The mission and commitment statement of Pharmacare is stated below and as PharmaCare is rebuilding it remains cautious about its interactions so as not to cause harm to consumers and its shareholders as it has done in the past. The Mission of PharmaCare is: â€Å"is to develop an organization of regional pharmacies that is palpably different from our competition.The vision is to realize this distinction by concentrating on different patient populations, that is, those who need specialized, personal service; create partnerships with referring physicians; build loyalty among our employees; give back to the community; resurrect the time-honored practice of door-to-door delivery, and rely on word-of-mouth to create demand. PharmaCare continued with a commitment statement that reads as follows, â€Å"To our patients: Treat our patients with the same compassion, care and individual a ttention that we give to our family members.To our physicians: Understand that physicians are able to serve their better when we serve the physicians better; therefore we are available, flexible, convenient, responsive. To our Case Managers and Care Givers: Streamline the process between prescription and the medication. Streamline the process between the refill request and the medication. Provide medication-related, logistical, and financial information and assistance when requested and proactively.PharmaCare will need to continue conducting business in the same manner as stated in both the mission and commitment statement in an effort to remain a valuable resource to the pharmaceutical world. Ethical changes of PharmaCare The ethical conduct of PharmaCare is vital to the success and profitability of the company. The integrity PharmaCare will be reviewed for years to come and as such PharmaCare management team and stakeholders will need to react proactively to any negative feedback and communication that it may receive.PharmaCare will need to ensure that all employees are receiving a fair wage and that if using developed countries that they are being fairly compensated for the land, space and its residents. PharmaCare will need to ensure that all drugs are approved by the FDA and are safe to be on the market. PharmaCare will need to disclose any relevant information that is known regarding the side effects to enable them to make informed decisions on their choice of medication. PharmaCare will need to ensure that it is operating within all regulations and laws that have been set by the FDA and its affiliates.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Happiness in China

Introduction This paper mainly focuses on Chinese happiness index and its influencing factors analysis. There are many things we are eager to get, such as freedom, money, promising job, reputation, etc. However, we do not pursuit these things themselves, what we want is the improvement of happiness. Those things have value only when they directly or indirectly promote the feeling of happiness. Gross national happiness (GNH) is an indicator that measures quality of life or social development in a scientific term. In the 1970s, the king of Bhutan proposed the concept of Gross National Happiness.He believed that government should aim to create happiness. The national happiness index should be improved including the factors both in the material and in the spiritual. The GNH index identifies four aspect of national happiness development: good governance, economic growth, cultural development and environmental protection (Hu, 2011). With the rapid development in China, the government takes the index to measure the national happiness. However, there is no exact quantitative definition about how many factors influence the GNH.The paper therefore will analyze the factors that impact China’s gross national happiness from social, economic and politic perspective. Social Factors The education system Education in China does not focus on the students’ practical ability and interests in studying. These schools focus on students’ test scores instead of the students’ potential. Teachers desire to have the top students rather than â€Å"bad students†. A student’s scores represent his or her personality. From elementary to high school, students have no elective courses. The teachers’ task is to teach students how to get high scores on the exams.The students are over stressed. They go to school about 6 o’clock in the morning, they stay up studying at night (Hu, 2011). It is impossible to become relax under such pressure. If s tudents want to be admitted to top universities, they have to study hard. Studying is the only thing they need to do. The universities just require students’ outstanding scores from the college entrance exam. Therefore, a special group of students called returning students who re-attend classes after failing the college entrance exam. Many students re-attend high schools classes year after year until hey are admitted to a top university (Hu, 2011). The only scale to measure one's capacity is the diploma. Furthermore, students would prepare the postgraduate examination in order to find a better job. From elementary to the college, students care for nothing except studying. The situation leads to a decreasing unhappiness index for China’s student and their parents (Hu, 2011). Quality of marriage In China, marriage is based on one's family background, which is a significant factor that affects many couples of all ages. Even in modern times, a great number of young people in China will obey family arrangement.Oftentimes, if one's family live in poor conditions, the party will be rejected by the other party’s family with an excuse ( Luo, 2009). Even in marriage, the couples have to struggle for their future, such as house, car, money. If the couple fails, they may divorce each other. Sometimes, the marriage may only be decided by the money not affection. This is the reason that the Chinese couple have a low happiness index in marriage( Luo, 2009). Social security system China’s social security system is not perfect and in the process of reformation. What is worse, the aging of society is the new pressure added on society security system.China’s population continues to grow. The expert predicted the total population will reach 1. 5 billion by the middle of the 21th century, and the elderly population will exceed 300 million. Due to the one-child policy, the common families have only one child. As a result, the number of retirees wi ll continue to work to reduce the burden on their family (Hu, 2011). Furthermore, the ensure pension and medical insurance system is still incomplete in China. The members of family save money for the older family member not for traveling or entertaining. If someone is sick in family, it could make the whole family in dilemma (Hu, 2011).These situations place a heavy burden on younger generations. The young people have the responsibility to take care of the parents and to rise the next generation. The problem also increases the unhappiness index for Chinese life. There are so many social factors that influence the Chinese happiness index. China’s government should take measures to provide the people a higher quality environment for life to increase happiness index. Economic Factors The price of commodities In China, the price of commodities has risen significantly. It has gone beyond the income level of many common people.Housing price, especially, has gone too high in recent years (Orlik, 2013). Many people in China make every effort to earn money to buy a house. They work day and night. They give up the opportunity to travel. They dare not to have dinners in restaurants. They consider that whether they should buy clothes or not. All efforts are made to buy a house. Especially, people who borrow money from the banks are under a lot of pressure for repayment. Their mortgage payments are most part of their monthly salary so they do not have enough money to spend on other things.Even if they are not satisfied with the current work, they dare not to resign. Due to high housing prices, many people have become slaves to their houses and live under tremendous pressure in all aspects. To their surprise, the prices of houses have become much higher! It is awkward that a common person cannot afford a common house in China (Orlik, 2013). There is no doubt that the high commodities price is not good for the physical and mental health of the people. In order to hav e better living, the people pay the high cost.This situation is not beneficial for the improvement of happiness index in China (Orlik, 2013). Income Inequality China has great economic growth in the past few decades. However, the average incomes are higher in urban areas than in rural areas. The phenomenon of income inequality is obvious in China(Finance and economics,2012). The income of the famers is mainly depended on the land, but the agricultural output is limited. They cannot become rich just by a few acres of land. A lot of rural residents abandoned their land and go into cites with nothing, these peasants are called migrant laborers.They can do are limited occupation due to the lack of professional skill. Women worked in labor-intensive goods and services with the minimum wages. Men worked as builders risking their lives. More badly, they may not be paid after the work is finished. Even through migrant laborers live in the same city with urban residents, their living conditi ons are totally different(Finance and economics,2012). The inequality income make the labors live in the bottom in the cities. However, migrant laborers still do not want to go home due to the worse living condition.These situations make migrant laborers have low happiness index(Finance and economics,2012). Opportunity of job The imbalance of employment between supply and demand exists in China. China is in the peak of the population, there are a lot of workers need jobs. For the rural laborers, they would like to go to urban for better life environment. The urban has an increasing pressure on employment because the surplus rural laborers move to urban. The rapid growth of new workers is far more than the growth of job creation. The situation is also confronted by the college graduates.The continuous development of Chinese higher education has produced hundreds and thousands of college graduates annually. Unemployed college graduates become a common phenomenon (Economy Watch, 2010). The unemployment problem influences the happiness index on Chinese people. More badly, it could lead to the social unstability. To solve this social problem, the government should make efforts for better employ environment (Economy Watch, 2010). Political factors Democracy Democracy is defined as the rule that manages state affairs according to the principle of equality, the minority is subordinate to the majority.The United States and European countries have very mature democracy. However, China is a developing country,much of the system is not perfect and it does not achieve a complete democracy. (Pei, 2013) In western countries, the separation of the powers is a political doctrine. It is divided into executive power, judicial power and legislative power. Even if the president commits crime, judicial independence can prosecute his action. For example, the former president of Taiwan who broke the law, an independent judiciary made trial for him (Kelly, 2013).While China implements the system of people's congress and the Communist Party commands all the system, it produces the law privileges. They use the privilege to corrupt and the subordinate officials provide shelter for them. Furthermore, the phenomenon of bribery is very severe. Clerks pay bribes to get the ideal position. These situations result in people low happiness index (China daily, 2010). Freedom The political freedom involves many aspects including freedom of speech, freedom of assemble and freedom of vote and so on. These freedoms can regard as the sign of human right.The political freedom should be treated as the ultimate goal of Chinese political reform and development. Freedom of speech is the political right to communicate one's opinions and ideas. While Chinese people almost have no rights, the speech against party or government is prohibited by the reality of media and the internet; Freedom of assembly is the individual right to come together and collectively express, promote, pursue and defend common interests. Due to the rule of one-party monopoly, the Communist Party of China do not allow to make other the parties or groups.In this way, the power is not restricted. The individual without organization’s management have no power to oppose it; Freedom of vote refer to every citizen has the freedom right to vote for a leader. As long as you have ability and ambitions, everyone has the opportunity to be leader. The candidates can introduce policies to get votes so that people will benefit. Unlike China, official is appointed behind the relationship or money (political right and freedom, 2013) The system of organization in China leads to those problems, which is the reason that the Chinese have less political freedom.The government should try to implement the multiple party coexist structure so that Chinese people can have real freedom. People could have a high happiness index in China. Equality The equality is a social state in which all people within a specif ic society have the same status in certain respects. The social equality includes equal rights under the law, such as security, voting rights, property rights, and equal access to education, health care and other social securities. It also includes equal opportunities and obligations. (Gay, 2013) In China, all kind of reasons cause to the inequality in many aspects.Such as, there are inequality relationships between superior and subordinate in official circle because of the lack of the voting system. It has the inequality of education distribution because the imbalance development of district economic. These situations lead to a decreasing unhappiness index in China’s community. Conclusion Based on the researches, this paper mainly carried on a study in Chinese happiness index via analyzing the influenced factors. The social, economic and politic factors were considered as the factors that have great influence on happiness index.In support of the basic result, this paper unde rtook a systematic analysis from these aspects. Ultimately, there is conclusion that all kinds of factors have a significant impact on happiness. Furthermore, considering the actual situation in China, the majority of population are middle and lower income workers, farmers, and unemployed. Their living standard determines the overall level of happiness in society. Therefore, it is very urgent and important to design proper policies to enhance these people’s happiness level. Several policy recommendations are put forward to the government to increase the citizen’s happiness index.First, it could be suggested to build a sound social system. The government should remain a primary priority to make Chinese residents get better education and satisfy their needs. And building a social security system protects the middle and lower income residents. In addition, the government should guide sustainable and stable development of economics. It is important to regulate wealth gap b etween rich and poor and control the excessive imbalance of income distribution. The government should also adjust economic structure and improve the demand capacity for labor to reduce unemployment.Finally, the politic factors have the lowest feeling of happiness in society. The government can reform and establish multi-party democratic constitutional system instead of one-party monopoly in china. The rights, free press, freedom of assembly and open elections, is the basic need of human beings for high happiness (Hu, 2012). Because of the constraint of time, this paper ignored some other factors when doing research. Furthermore, many countries have a higher level of happiness, such as some Nordic countries. We can compare Chinese economical, social and political data with those countries.Through comparison, we can detect some deeper reasons to guide our new research. References Centre For Bhutan Studies. (2013). Bhutan GNH index. Retrieved from http://www. grossnationalhappiness. c om/articles/ CSR. (1998, October). The development research center of the state council of the People’s Republic of China. Retrieved from http://www. chinacsrmap. org/Org_Show_EN. asp? ID=133 China Daily. (2010, February). Retrieved from http://www. chinadaily. com. cn/china/2010npc/2010-02/09/content_9449872. htm Finance and economics. (2012). 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Monday, July 29, 2019

If you had a second chance- The opportunity to do something over and Essay

If you had a second chance- The opportunity to do something over and do it differently- what would you choose to do over and wha - Essay Example If I would be granted an opportunity, I would wish to opt for the profession of medicine and to enter this field not for my own good but for the greater good. The professional career of a doctor revolves around the serving of the health of individuals and therefore to work towards the betterment of other people. It is a profession of dignity where an individual sacrifices his own personal luxuries for the sake of ensuring the quality of life of other individuals. A doctor works full time in the health care settings and his duty is the top most priority for him. Doctors are important parts of the medical teams that are required for emergency setups for disaster management. My inspiration for the profession increased following the work of the doctors for humanitarian relief in the disasters particularly the earthquake that hit Haiti. The way the doctors left the comforts of their home to move to an area where they might not even have access to clean water was really an impressive act. I would have opted for this profession for the greater good and for the purpose of serving humanity. It would have provided me with inner satisfaction.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Quality Assurance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Quality Assurance - Essay Example Total quality control thus means that a system is developed and implemented which delineates the procedures, policies, specifications and standardizations to be followed by the entire organization. This system is developed and continuously improved by maintaining a cross- functional viewpoint at all times involving all the departments: the issue of quality thus becomes the concern of all departments, not that of the quality control department alone. This means quality and process manuals need to be rigorously followed, and updated from time to time based on cumulative work experience to improve productivity and quality. Total quality control also means that the organization is specialized and prefers to work with its core strengths, outsourcing peripheral goods and services to other organizations specialized in those areas: a car manufacturer, for instances, focuses on assembling cars and leaves the business of manufacturing machine parts to its suppliers. Outsourcing in this way is geared to improve efficiency, but may go totally wrong if the goods supplied are not the right quality, or run in short supply. This brings us to the issues crucial to just-in-time inventory management strategies, which are indispensable not only in terms of economy and cost cutting, but also crucial in terms of maintaining control over purchase. Just-in-time implies that a company times the purchase of the correct kind and amount of goods or services exactly as and when needed for its production processes: the right material, at the right time, at the right place, and in precisely required amounts, thus eliminating the need for warehousing or other infrastructure. This ensures that a lot of expenses made on storage are eliminated, which is absolutely according to the principles of total quality control that insists on continuous identification and eradication of waste in a company's manufacturing process. Having no inventory to call from, it obviously follows that all the goods procured have to be of a quality level certified for use in the manufacturing process, otherwise the process gets delayed or experiences frequent stoppages. Possible supply shocks also need to be prevented by anticipating changes in demand for the goods required for the process, so that the process does not come to a halt because of lack of material f or processing. Certified quality levels in goods purchased from vendors can only be maintained if the total quality regimen extends to supply quality assurance as well. The organization has to work with various entities such as supply stream managers, internal customers, technical staff, relevant field personnel, and last but absolutely not the least, suppliers. These different groups need to be integrated as part of on-going supply management processes, which may include product and supplier selection, assessment, and providing support in quality and performance improvement. Since the supplier needs to be top-notch with all its goods each and every time, it follows that the purchasing organization would have to invest in training, auditing and testing, and build up a great, long-term relationship with hand-picked vendors. The organization woul

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Minorities in the Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Minorities in the Media - Essay Example The act of seeking out revenge by harming an entire classification of people simply because they have been stereotyped is a major depiction of ignorance and responsible for a vicious cycle of hatred to formulate. This is where the movie American History X comes in. The purpose of the story is to realize that racial hatred does not accomplish anything except create more hate. The director and writer of this movie accomplish their purpose through character development, the targeted audience, and cinematography. Character development best helps to accomplish the purpose of the movie. The most developed characters in this film are Derek and Danny. Derek’s character is full of racial hatred and plays as a leader of a neo-Nazi group in Venice Beach, California at the beginning of the movie. â€Å"Based on this traumatic incident and an underlying climate of subtle racism, the elder son, Derek, focuses his rage on the minority community and becomes a racist agitator† (McKenna, 1999). Derek preaches to young skinheads about his beliefs of the American society and how minority groups are corrupting the society and wasting taxpayer’s money. Derek shows great hate towards minority groups mostly because of the fact that his father had been murdered by a black man. American History X is clearly a film dealing with the social topic of racism. The most interesting aspect of this movie is the way in which the subject unfolds. First of all, it is quiet obvious how difficult a subject that racism is to portray and effectively depict. However American History X presents the subject without any qualms and a unique clarity. Secondly the film’s main figurehead for racism, which is portrayed by Derek Vinyard (Edward Norton), is not an unintelligent redneck racist as most films usually portray anyone adopting such notions to be, but he is in fact a intelligent, eloquent, charming and bright man despite the fact that he clearly holds ideals which are terribl y wrong and confused. Finally, the film also shows that it is not only the white, neo-nazi racists who are fools for being involved in situations like these and adopt a lifestyle central on these stereotypes, but it is all those who hold hatred in their hearts. Through these methods, the film beautifully instills this idea upon the viewer, in an extremely compelling way, that hatred and racism will destroy a person and those who are closest to them. The intense realism that the movie portrays as far as the execution of the incidents is concerned is most impressive with no holds expelled of the intense racial hatred. As we go back to the starting of the movie when Derek figures that some black guys were trying to steal or wreck his truck he immediately grabs a gun, and shoots one of them, wounds another, and fires at the third as he gets away. It was then that one of the most brutal scenes in film history is shown in the way Derek forces the wounded man to put his face on the curb an d kicks the back of his head, smashing the mans skull. It is this scene that is such a perfect example of cumulative causation. This is because it depicts the endless circle of hate between both parties involved. For example, the young black men were acting out this way simply because they had been disgraced by the white male in the local basketball game; therefore, they go up to damage the white males care, which in turn leads to Derek shooting the young black men. This is a vicious circle with no seeming end. The strength that

Friday, July 26, 2019

Software Quality Assesment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Software Quality Assesment - Coursework Example This ensures that there is prevention of any unforeseen defects. When started from the beginning of the product manufacture, the involved parties are able to consult with each other and understand the defects that arise as they progress to several stages of production. Quality is a difficult and comprehensive idea that always is determined by several factors. This could either be from the transcendental point of view that views quality as an idea that is recognizable but hard to describe. From users’ point of view quality is the ability of a product to accomplish its reason for being manufactured. Manufacturers see quality as sticking to laid down product qualifications. the products point of view that views quality as been one and the same to with definite features of a software and finally the value based point of view that views quality in relation to how much the final user is willing and able to pay so as to acquire it. There are several ways that the quality of software is ensured during manufacturing process (Tian 2005). These are: Software Testing Software testing is a systematic process mainly dedicated to the detection software defects. The product being manufactured is put to test under conditions that can be manipulated. This could be in special control rooms within the company premise specially designed for this type of work. The main reason the manufacturers ensure that such an environment should be in a position to be manipulated is because the manufacturers intend to create several scenarios whereby things go wrong when they are not supposed to and then they find ways to deal with the problem. Software Verification and Validation The verification process is undertaken so that the product is cleared of unforeseen malfunctions right before the testing process commences. Verification is made up of evaluations, meetings, assessing plans, policies, check ups, specifications among other details. On the other hand, validation comes immediately after validation and is the definite analysis of the product to establish its short comings that might arise due to malfunctions. Test Case A test case is a document that outlines the contributions, actions or events and the probable reactions of software. This assists the manufacturers/programmers to find out whether all aspects of the products are in the expected working status. This document contains s specifics such as the test case identifier, name, purpose, test circumstances, procedure as well as the expected outcomes. Good Design A good design is achieved when the general make up of the product is understandable, effortlessly adjustable and easy to preserve. The perfect design of a product always relies on the final users requirements. There are those products meant for commercial use thus this are made more complicated and very efficient than those meant for private/home use. Software Inspection This is a process meant to uncover imperfections and problems especially in records stipulating specifications, coding, and test cases among other issues (Rombach 1993). It is imperative to understand that this process just detects a hitch and notifies the manufacturers however it is not a process for rectification of such a problem. Most of the time in software quality checking procedures, it is very cost effective. It is open to many observers but only a single reader, moderator and a single individual for taking notes is required. Walkthrough This is a spontaneous and off the record meeting that is meant for analyzing the product. This is always attended by the management of the

The Macroeconomic Situation In The United States Of America Essay

The Macroeconomic Situation In The United States Of America - Essay Example The country is facing issues with the unstable price of oil in the global market and this has also made the prices of commodity unstable and the level of inflation in the country is rather alarming (Jones, 2008). Thus, the current macroeconomic situation in the country is such that the citizens are faced with the instability of the price of commodity in the market. There are also issues with an absurd increase in the interest rate which has discouraged prospective investors from borrowing money from financial homes. The macroeconomic situation in the country has actually put the US Congress and the Federal Reserve on their toes. There are different things that can be done to salvage the macroeconomic situation in the US. The monetary policies in the country should be tightened through the use of expansionary fiscal policies that would help the country to fully recover from the economic recession that it is faced with. The problem of inflation could also be dealt with by making the ag gregate demand lower than the production capability of the economy.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Businesses within the Small Business Administration (SBA) 8A Program Research Paper

Businesses within the Small Business Administration (SBA) 8A Program - Research Paper Example The Federal Government of U.S has, since a long time, actively promoted the socio-economic welfare of small businesses. It is for this particular reason that the Small Business Administration (SBA) was founded to ensure that small businesses have the business acumen and resources to survive and grow in the competitive marketplace. Several opportunities have been provided to small businesses, including the securing of no-bid contracts and granting of prime contracts. In recent years, the 8(a) business development program by SBA has gained a lot of attention owing to generous incentives and growth capabilities offered by the SBA for businesses that meet the criteria for this program. The 8A program was introduced by the SBA with the main objective of assisting and facilitating small and disadvantaged businesses so that they can compete in the competitive marketplace. The popular 8(a) Business Development program is specifically targeted towards small businesses that where individuals who are â€Å"socially and economically† disadvantaged own and control at least 51% of such businesses (Koprince, 2012). Accordingly, it helps such entrepreneurs to get accessibility to mainstream business in the American market. Furthermore, it helps harness the aspirations of entrepreneurs by securing government contracts for such businesses to help them grow. The 8(a) program is separated into two stages: the developmental 4 year period and the transitional 5 year period ( The 8(a) program offers several benefits for disadvantaged entrepreneurs. Firstly, the program entails the â€Å"sole-source† no-bid contract which implies that participant businesses shall not have to bid for contracts and shall be the sole providers of the products to be provided under the contractual agreement ( This holds true for contracts under $3.5 million worth of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Edit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 7

Edit - Essay Example The intent of using two images to illustrate the details of the van Gogh’s use of style is commendable, however I recommend that use of student-centered approach would help the learners understand the stylistic shift of Van Gogh. This should be done theoretically, as it will offer the learners more time to examine the attributes mentioned. The student’s participation in the learning process is a positive sign of understanding the topic. The indication that the students are able to access the National Art Gallery Website and create their digital archives is an illustration of the students’ participation. The general concept of the lesson is admirable; however, I am not sure the nature of the sources you will use to authenticate your content. There is need to offer a wide perspective of the lesson by giving a range of sources relative to the topic of discussion. In addition, how can one measure the progress of the students who do not grasp the contents of the lesson, particularly the computer

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Case study 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Case study 3 - Essay Example Medicaid incentive program is administered on a voluntary basis by both the state and territories (Hsiao & Hing, 2012). Eligible professionals have a chance of participating for a period of six years, until 2021, and it is not a must for participation years to be consecutive. Medicaid incentive program is suitable for UMUC Family Clinic for improvement of patient care as outlined in the meaningful use stage 1. The deadline for eligible professionals to start their participation is 2016; the clinic needs to concentrate on attaining the core and menu objectives and clinical quality measures (CQMs) requirements in order to receive incentives payments, of up to $63,750 under medical EHR incentive program for a period of six years (Hsiao & Hing, 2012). The program allows eligible professionals to receive incentive payments as a result of having successfully adopted, implemented or upgraded certified technology of EHR during the first year of participation as well as demonstrating meaningful use (Marcotte et al, 2012). In case the clinic will not be able to satisfy meaningful use, its profession practice will have to incur expenses of up to $21,250.00 in 2015. Medication process at the clinic will be entered using CPOE. The technology has proved successful in keeping record of medication details of over 30% patients. The clinic will rely on medicaid incentive to increase the number of medical entry of patients using CPOE. The clinic will rely on using certified HER technology to submit all permissible prescriptions recommended by eligible professions. The program will enable the clinic to improve on quality and safety as well as efficiency while attending to patients. Aggregate of numerator and denominator as well as exclusions will be provided to either CMS or the state by attestation electronically. The reported information reveals clinical quality measures being undertaken by the clinic. The report is necessary for the state

Monday, July 22, 2019

Innovation and Invention in the Current Age Essay Example for Free

Innovation and Invention in the Current Age Essay I’m sure you all might have sensed something wrong as soon as you would have read the title of the article- Invention is the mother of necessity. Well, to go by conventions there is a proverb which goes like –Necessity is the mother of Invention. My English teacher used to elaborate this one by explaining that, it’s the necessity or paucity of something that leads to an invention. To cite a few simple examples- Telephones, mobiles etc. The telephones and mobiles were invented because it was a necessity for people to get in touch even when they are miles away. So that is how the proverb- Necessity is the mother of Invention goes. But, the technology traits today converse the proverb in entirety. In today’s mind-bogglingly advancing Technology Universe, it’s the invention of something that evolves its necessity. We need not be Marketing Experts or Trade Analysts to understand this simple yet cunning gamble of Technology vendors. I will begin justifying my topic with one the latest Tech-trends- The Tablet PCs. I’m sure you all might have seen the recurrently flashing endorsements of Tablet PCs, most popular of them being Apple’s Ipad. Let’s go in deep waters. The Tablet PC vendors in their advertisements claim that Tablet PCs are a vital necessity for professionals in the Corporate World. Corporates have lots of work, to be specific important work, and if they want to carry it with them, they can just do it via Tablet PCs. Hence, this would increase the response of the corporates towards events and thereby increasing a firm’s productivity. This is the most clichà ©d explanation a marketer for Tablet PC would provide. But, I would make a simple question here. Were Microsoft, Apple Inc, Hawlett Packard and other Big Daddies in B-World making losses when Tablet PCs weren’t invented? Or did their profit graph break the charts after the Tablets were invented? Obviously not ! Then why the Tablet PCs? Answer to this is simple- Profits. If we try to understand the marketing strategies, we would come to a conclusion that a company cannot sustain profits with a single product. You cannot keep on selling the same thing every day, because people already have it, their necessity is quenched and they wouldn’t want to buy it again. Hence, why not create something new? Once a new product is  made, the demand for it can always be created. People are always in hunt of new gadgets, not out of necessity but out of curiosity and voracity. People would always want to try something which they’ve never tried. That too, if the target audience is the Corporate World, sell them anything in the name of profit and they would buy it obliviously . As a result, now you see the corporates going GAGA over the Tablet PCs, some of them have even started equipping the creamy staff with IPADs and stuff in panic for high profits. Another example is Facebook. Facebook was created under the pseudo motive of Social Networking. I feel like laughing when I hear the term Social Networking associated with Facebook. The reason being, there is everything else happening on Facebook except Social Networking. Spying, Virtual Relationships, Corporate Deals, Advertising Marketing, Gaming, Celebrities but Social Networking is something with definitely seems absconding. It was invented to get people ( rather strangers ) closer socially. But I’ve a question to ask, did people have no friends before Facebook existed? I bet people had better friends and better relationships before Facebook. Now, the scenario is that, we would see the newspapers reporting breakups and divorce due to spying issues over Facebook. We would find people’s privacy violated and hence misused. 3 out of 7 days in a week, the news fader on Yahoo! homepage shows issues posed due to usage of Facebook A couple got divorced due to suspicious wall posts, an employee was sacked for writing ill about his boss in his status updates, celebrities digging at each other and what not. In the name of a bliss pertaining to Social Networking and Togetherness it proved a jinx! Not only this, it made the youths so fervent about it, that its mania affected their academics. Facebook now has become an indispensable part of almost everybody’s life. It was never a necessity, but its invention made it a necessity, to be more explicit-an ADDICTION. If you look around, you will find so many things which logically hold negligible prudence in our life, still we have got hooked to it, rather we have been made to hook to it. Sometimes, we are hooked to a particular thing not because we find it necessary or important, but just due to peer pressure. Ipods, Ipads, Smartphones have become a STATUS SYMBOL today and  hence many people use it involuntarily to show off their lofty stratum. Marketing Strategies have cast such a robust spell on our mind that it hardly sees the vitality of anything and just makes it a part of our life. It’s difficult to get out of this conjure but not impossible. It’s time we contemplate about the things we’re using, and about the things we’re addicted to. To conclude, â€Å"Invention is the Mother of Necessity†- is the Mantra which Vendors and Marketers follow today. We being mere mortals fall an easy prey to this hoax. Yet, if thoughtful approach is given precedence over Peer Pressure, Greed for Profit and Class Conscious Approach, it can be tackled with. As soon as people need something, they invent it. For example, when ancient people felt hunger – they went on hunting and for that they invented the bow and arrows. When they needed to carry heavy cargos to large distances the wheel was discovered. In fact, every day the humanity faces new challenges that can’t be met using only the existing technologies. And that’s why new inventions are made every day. Actually, there are people who would challenge even the seemingly obvious statement that â€Å"Necessity is the mother of invention†. They say that inventions were not inspired by the necessity alone. Curiosity was, and still is, a powerful stimulus for explorers, researchers, and inventors. Besides, I have heard more than once, sometimes as a joke, the idea that laziness is the mother of invention, as the man by nature has always been trying to make his life easier by all possible means. Laziness combined with ingenuity, inspired the man to boost his strength by means of the lever, the wheel and axle, and the pulley. For the same reason, the man discovered the sail which enabled him to move fast across the seas without putting any effort into it. But the most obvious proof of this statement is the invention of the remote control for the TV set. Only a very lazy person could have invented a way to avoid having to stand up from a sofa or a  recliner to press a button of the T V set manually. Moreover, there is another point of view that jealousy is the mother of invention. It’s known that the man has only invented the wings because people had long envied the birds their ability to fly. The envy of the fish’s ability to breathe under water has encouraged the man to invent the aqualung. So, those who say that envy gives the start to any progress are not far from the truth. But still, whichever it may be: curiosity, laziness, or jealousy – all of them are nothing but substitutes for necessity. It was necessity that forced the man, almost half-ape, to start The meaning of the proverb is self-evident. We invent what we need; unless we feel the pressure of needs, we are not likely to invent anything. The fable of the thirsty crow which collected pebbles and threw them into the jar to raise the level of water to the birds reach of lips is well-known. Mere necessity would not help us much if we are not moved by thought. Animals have their needs but because t hey lack the power of thinking and ingenuity, they cannot invent anything. They act on instinct and follow a beaten track. Hence, the correct formula should be necessity is the mother of invention but only when it is supported by the power of thinking. This, of course, is obvious. When man feels the pinching need of anything, he begins to think how he can satisfy his needs. He then sets his mind to the task of invention. Necessity gives the first impulse; the rest is the work of the intellect. In primitive times men lived by hunting. It became necessary to shoot and bring down the bird flying or the beast running beyond the reach of man. Hence, the bow and the arrow were invented. Clothes were devised as protection against cold, houses for shelter. Implements were invented for production of food. In this way, various instruments were made to secure a better standard of living. Man is not only the slave of his needs but their creator as well. He not only seeks to satisfy his necessity but also his desire for beauty, his lust for power. Culinary skill has been invented to please the palate. Ornaments were invented to add to female beauty. Man has spent millions trying to invent guided locomotives to the moon and other planets like Mars, not because there is any crying need for the same, but because it gives the thrill of doing the outwardly impossible. The mere satisfaction of needs can never be the sole motive for exercising mans faculties for inventiveness. The proverb tells us not to be passive in our attitude to life.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

History Of Why Learn Japanese English Language Essay

History Of Why Learn Japanese English Language Essay In todays world where so many activities, both national and personal, occur on a global scale, the study of a language in school and beyond develops the students intercultural competence. It enables them to enter into a challenging intercultural exchange to broaden their perspective, to deepen their capacity to understand and ultimately to deal with the unfamiliar and the unexpected. With over 130 million native speakers and a growing number of non-native speakers, Japanese is the 10th most spoken. Many believe that mastering the Japanese language is the key to engaging with the country. For students who have never been exposed to non-Western cultures, the study of Japanese opens the door to Asia. For students, it is a venue in which to understand their cultural heritage. Japan has the 2nd largest economy in the world. Just by learning Japanese can bring you many business opportunities. A key in winning their business might be being able to communicate with potential customers in their own language. Understanding the Japanese work ethic, their business etiquette, and knowing which cultural faux pas to avoid can often make or break an important business deal. Also to get a better understanding of the Asian market. In addition, when learning Japanese, you become not only proficient in the language but also gain an insider view of the culture. There is an explosion of the many cultural exports that can be found in Japan. From anime to food, karaoke to kimonos, Japanese culture is rich with both contemporary and traditional cultural ways. This unique culture determines the way they interact, react and behave in their daily lives. A knowledge of the language will give you direct access to Japanese film, animations, and comic books, give you insight into the special terminology used in your favourite martial art, and develop your ability to order sashimi like a native at your favourite Japanese restaurant! In addition to what they learn of the language and culture, they will also acquire basic language learning strategies, higher thinking skills, and broader perspectives from their Japanese studies. The benefits for students of learning Japanese can be considered in both the short term and the long term. In the short term, students can look forward to unique activities relating to a completely different culture from their own. They can enjoy fun activities in class, or even hosting a Japanese exchange student. There is always the motivation and pleasure of learning something new and different in Japanese. Furthermore, learning any foreign language, especially Japanese, teaches a student new learning skills, such as ways to increase concentration, memorization, and listening. Studies have shown that these new cognitive skills often improve students performance in other subjects as well. Finally, learning such a unique and special language often gives children a sense of self-confidence and pride they may not have had before. In the long term, a student learns many other important things through the study of Japanese. The value of persistence and respect for other cultures are two of the most important long-term benefits. Learning any foreign language, especially one as different from English as Japanese, helps one to look more critically at ones native language and understand it at a deeper level. Similarly, because it leads to the acquisition of critical communication skills, learning one foreign language is often a jumping-off point for people to learn other languages within their lifetime. Opportunity is possibly the most important long-term benefit of learning Japanese. A child can make lifelong friends and increase his or her opportunity to see Japan in a way most others cannot. In the global community we now live in, having the ability to speak Japanese not only opens doors in higher education and in employment in Japan-related fields, but shows employers that one is intelligent, unique, and globally conscious. The newest opportunity that has arisen for students of Japanese is, of course, a chance to get ahead in college through AP Japanese. In todays competitive collegiate environment, having taken AP courses and passed AP Exams can be a big help in getting into a better college or university. Most colleges and universities treat having passed an AP Exam as college credit, a policy that lightens students course loads and allows them to concentrate on other courses, earn double majors, or simply graduate in less time. Studying Japanese means learning a language that is so different from English that it will make you rethink your most basic assumptions about the way language works. It means learning to conjugate your verbs according not just to tense but also to politeness. It means getting used to the idea that adjectives can have a past tense. It means doing without plurals, choosing among dozens of different words for I, and learning to wait for the verb until the very end of the sentence. Japanese is difficult in ways that European languages are not, but it is also surprisingly easy in ways that they can be difficult. There is no subjunctive mood to worry about, no grammatical gender, no definite or indefinite articles, and no complex conjugations according to person. It is also extremely easy to pronounce Japanese. The Japanese language has a number of dialects, some of which are mutually unintelligible. Thanks to the development of mass communications and the governments directive to establish a common language, however, most people now speak a common tongue. Learning Japanese can and will open many door for you in the future. You just have try your best and have a goal and strive towards it.

English Language Teaching Methods

English Language Teaching Methods BACKGROUND: The Grammar Translation Method is the oldest method of teaching. The grammar translation method is a foreign language teaching method derived from the classical (sometimes called traditional) method of teaching Greek and Latin. This method has been used from the classical times to translate classical languages, Latin and Greek, it has been called Classical method. ADVANTAGES: The phraseology of the target language is quickly explained. Translation is the easiest way of explaining meanings or words and phrases from one language into another. Communication between the teacher and the learner does not cause linguistic problems. Even teachers who are not fluent in English can teach English through this method. DISADVANTAGES: It is an unnatural method. The natural order of learning a language is listening, speaking, reading and writing. Speech is neglected. The Grammar Translation Method lays emphasis on reading and writing. Exact translation is not possible. Translation is, indeed, a difficult task and exact translation from one language to another is not always possible. It rather attempts to teach language through rules and not by use. The persons who have learned a foreign or second language through this method find it difficult to give up the habit of first thinking in their mother tongue and then translating their ideas into the second language. The ability to communicate in the target language is not a goal of foreign language instruction. The primary skills to be developed are reading and writing. Little attention is given to speaking and listening, and almost none to pronunciation. TEACHER ROLE: The teacher is the authority in the classroom. There is no interaction from teacher to the students (except in questions). STUDENT ROLE: Students are the passive receivers of the new information. Students are supposed to memorize the rules and the new vocabulary with their meanings in their native language. If students can translate from one language to another, they are considered successful language learners. It is very important that students get the correct answer. METHODOLOGY: Teaching and learning process is based on translation, the study of grammar rules through examples (deductive approach) and memorization of vocabulary. Texts from the target language literature are used. The techniques used are: Translation, Reading comprehension questions, antonyms/synonyms, cognates, deductive application of rule, fill in the blanks, memorization, use of new words in sentences, composition, and so on. L1 USAGE: Classes are conducted in the native language. Students use their native language to translate. Since oral communication in the target language is not important, classroom instructions are given in L1. L2 USAGE: The use of the foreign language is limited; teacher and students use it only to translate words or sentences to their mother tongue to the foreign language. LISTENING: little attention is given to speaking and listening. There is no listening training. Students only listen the foreign language when translate. No listening exercises. SPEAKING: Also this is not an important aspect of the method, teacher doesnt work on speaking. No speaking (but the translation, because it may be spoken) the ability to communicate in the target language is not a goal of foreign language instruction. No pronunciation exercises. READING: read literature in the target language is the aim of this method. Grammar rules and vocabulary are stressed. A fundamental purpose of learning a foreign language is to be able to read literature written in it. WRITING: reading and writing are studied at the same time. The importance in this method is to read and write the foreign language translating from their mother tongue. EVALUATION: Translation is an important technique to test students progress in the target language. In addition, fill-in-the-blank type test items are also used. Synonyms, antonyms, and cognates can be asked to test vocabulary in formal tests. Reading passages and comprehension questions about the passages can also take place in tests as the reading section. PERSONAL OPINION: Nowadays teachers shouldnt base their teaching practice only on this method. Students probably find it boring and discouraging, besides the most important goal when we are learning a foreign language is to be able to communicate in this language, and this method doesnt put any attention to this aspect. But rather than reject totally this method, teachers can use it sometimes when they need, for example, to convey the meaning of a difficult word when other visual aids cant help students. DIRECT METHOD BACKGROUND: This method was developed initially as a reaction to the grammar-translation method in an attempt to integrate more use of the target language in instruction. It was develop by Maximilian Berlitz. He started to use it in the schools that bear his name in 1878. It was successful in the beginning but its popularity started to decay in the 1920s when schools start to complement the method with more controlled grammar based activity. The direct method of teaching foreign languages, sometimes called the natural method, refrains from using the learners native language and uses only the target language. The direct method was an answer to the dissatisfaction with the older grammar translation method, which teaches students grammar and vocabulary through direct translations and thus focuses on the written language. ADVANTAGES: Students can learn the target language directly and systematically. Students can pronounce correctly. DISADVANTAGES: It overemphasizes and distorts the similarities between naturalistic first language learning and classroom foreign language learning and it fails to consider the practical realities of the classroom. It requires teachers who are native speakers or who are fluency in the foreign language. It is largely dependent on the teachers skill, rather than on a textbook and not all teachers are proficient enough in the foreign language to adhere to the principles of the method. Sometimes a simple brief explanation in the students native tongue would have been a more efficient route to comprehension. TEACHER ´S ROLE: The teacher usually directs the interactions but he/she is not as dominant as in Grammar Translation Method. Sometimes acts like a partner of the students. The teacher asks questions, correct mistakes, lets students speak more than him/her. Use lesson plan instead of a book, speak naturally, etc. STUDENT ´S ROLE: Students are active participants. Sometimes pair of works take place. Even the teacher takes roles in activities. Students imitate the correct pronunciation. They try to express in the foreign language and interact with the teacher and classmates in the foreign language. Therefore students learn to think and speak in their target language. The Direct method is highly motivating to students. METHODOLOGY: Pictures, realia, examples, sample sentences are used to teach vocabulary. Use of L1 is not allowed. There is a direct relation between form and meaning. Grammar is taught inductively. Examples and drills are given and students are expected to discover and acquire the rules. Introduction of new word, sentence or concept: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ SHOWVisual aid or gestures, to ensure student understands new word. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ SAYTeacher verbally introduces element. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ TRYStudent makes various attempts to pronounce new element. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ MOLDTeacher corrects student if necessary, pointing to mouth to show proper shaping of lips, tongue and relationship to teeth. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ REPEATStudent repeats element 5-20 times. Progress, from new word to new word (within same lesson) and progress, from lesson to lesson (LESSON REVIEWfirst few minutes of each lesson are to review lesson immediately completed and GLOBAL REVIEWtransition from lesson review to a comprehensive review. Here some examples of activities: Reading Aloud, Question and Answer Exercise, Getting Students to Self-Correct, Map Drawing, L1 USAGE: The use of the mother tongue is not permitted. L2 USAGE: Teacher and students only use the foreign language in class. LISTENING, SPEAKING, READING, and WRITING: oral communication is seen as basic. Speaking, listening, reading and writing are important skills. Especially speaking and listening are emphasized. Vocabulary is over grammar. Speaking is the most important skill. Reading and writing are not introduced until listening and speaking are fluent skills. EVALUATION: The ability to use the language is tested. Not about language, the language itself. In the Direct Method, students are asked to use the language, not to demonstrate their knowledge about the language. They are asked to do so using both oral and written skills. For example, the students might be interviewed orally by the teacher or might be asked to write a paragraph about something they have studied. PERSONAL OPINION: Even though the Direct Method is not a functional or notional way of teaching it is quite a good method to teach general English. But if the teacher is not native or proficiency in the foreign language he should certainly go to the class with a lesson plan to carry out the activities and to be successful with the Direct Method. AUDIO-LINGUAL METHOD BACKGROUND: The Audio-lingual method was widely used in the United States and other countries in the 1950s and 1960s. The Audio-lingual Method was developed in the U.S.A. during the Second World War. At that time, the U.S. government found a great necessity to set up a special language-training program to supply the war with language personnel. The audio-lingual method, Army Method, or New Key is a style of teaching used in teaching foreign languages. It is based on behaviorist theory, which professes that certain traits of living things, and in this case humans, could be trained through a system of reinforcement-correct use of a trait would receive positive feedback while incorrect use of that trait would receive negative feedback. This approach to language learning was similar to another, earlier method called the direct method. Like the direct method, the audio-lingual method advised that students be taught a language directly, without using the students native language to explain new words or grammar in the target language. However, unlike the direct method, the audio-lingual method didnt focus on teaching vocabulary. Rather, the teacher drilled students in the use of grammar. ADVANTAGES: The audio-lingual theory is probably the first language teaching theory that openly claims to be derived from linguistics and psychology. Making language teaching possible to large groups of learners. It aims at developing listening and speaking skills which is a step away from the Grammar translation method. The use of visual aids has proven its effectiveness in vocabulary teaching. DISADVANTAGES: The method is based on false assumptions about language. The study of language doesnt amount to studying the parole, the observable data. Mastering a language relies on acquiring the rules underlying language performance. That is, the linguistic, sociolinguistic, and discourse competences. The behaviorist approach to learning is now discredited. Many scholars have proven its weakness. Noam Chomsky (1959) A Review of B. F. Skinners Verbal Behaviorhas written a strong criticism of the principles of the theory. Not developing language competence, lack of effectiveness, and boredom caused by endless pattern drills are great disadvantages too. Learners have little control over their learning. Teacher has the domination of the class. TEACHER ROLE: Teacher is like an orchestra leader. She/he directs and controls the language behavior of the students. Teacher is a good model of the target language, especially for pronunciation and other oral skills. The teacher models the target language, controls the direction and pace of learning, and monitors and corrects the learners ´ performance. The teacher controls the learners and prevents them from doing anything that conflict with the theory. The teacher is expected to specify the language that learners are going to use. STUDENT ROLE: Students are imitators of the teacher as perfect model of the target language or the native speakers in the audio recordings. Learners are expected to interact with the language system, embodied in machines or controlled materials. METHODOLOGY: Explicit rules are not provided. Students induce the rules through examples and drills. Students acquire grammar by being exposed to patterns through mechanical drills. Drills and pattern practice are typical of the Audio-lingual method. These include: -Repetition: where the student repeats an utterance as soon as he hears it. -Inflection: Where one word in a sentence appears in another form when repeated. -Replacement: Where one word is replaced by another. -Restatement: The student re-phrases an utterance. Meaning is taught directly. L1 is prohibited because it may cause bad habit formations. Vocabulary is introduced through dialogues. The techniques used are: dialogue memorization, minimal pairs: (for teaching pronunciation), complete the dialogue, grammar games, and mechanical drills. L1 USAGE: L1 is not allowed in the classroom. It may cause interference and bad habit formation in L2. L2 USAGE: The teacher and the students only use the foreign language. LISTENING, SPEAKING, READING AND WRITING: Students can learn target language in natural order: listening-speaking-reading-writing. It lays emphasis on listening and speaking. The teacher is a model of L2 and students mimic him/her, so the listening skill is very important for this method. L2 is learned through repetition. EVALUATION: Students are evaluated at different stages and on different points of the language. Each question is supposed to focus on only one point on the language at time. Discrete-point tests are used. PERSONAL OPINION: there are many useful things we can learn from the Audio-lingual Method. If language learning were organized according to its structure, language learning would be easier, especially to adult learners. The Audio-lingual Method considers language ability made up of four skills and these skills can be taught separately. Since the natural order of skill acquisition is listening, speaking, reading, and writing, the Method gives the primary stress to the first two of the four skills. Speech is more basic to language than the written form, and listening and speaking are the basic form of verbal communication. In the classroom, the language skills are taught in the order of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Using pattern drills is the center of practice in Audiolingual Method. It can help students not only gain control over grammatical structures, but also develop their oral ability. The Audio-lingual method also provides language teachers with many useful techniqu es. The simple drilling techniques provide varied, graded and intensive practice of specific features of the language. The simple and direct approach is especially appropriate for young students and less gifted ones. Moreover, teaching technique with tape recordings and language lab drills offer practice in speaking and listening, which are considered of primary importance in language learning. In sum, we could adapt some kinds of techniques used by the Audio-lingual Method, such as dialogues and pattern drills to our students and their needs, and taking into account important factors such as sociolinguistic and discourse competences, the context of the students dialogue, and other communicative facts which are essentials when learners are studying a foreign language. SILENT WAY BACKGROUND: Cognitive Psychology is the basis. The Silent Way is the name of a method of language teaching devised by Caleb Gattegno in the early 1970,s. Not only in the past but also today, people have learned languages by means of habit formation, memorization and translation. However, cognitive psychologists and transformational generative linguists claimed that languages cannot be learned through mimicry since people can create utterances they have never heard before. Therefore people can learn languages by using their own thinking processes to discover the rules of the language they are learning. Gattegno stated his reasons for the emergence of his method as follows: As I developed my techniques while subordinating my teaching to the learning, I found that I could very early transfer the responsibility for the use of the language to my students, so that I become able to teach using fewer and fewer words. It is this aspect of my techniques of teaching that prompted me to call the approach The Silent Way of Teaching Foreign Languages (Oller and Amato 1983:73). He gives too much value to the word silent since he thinks that there are means of letting the learners learn while the teacher stops interfering. ADVANTAGES: This method fosters cooperative learning between individuals. It embodies a new approach to education in general, a respect for the individual and an awareness of the individuals extraordinary cognitive powers. If it is succeeded to teach the language the by using the rods without repeating too much, it will really save time and energy for both teachers students. The self-esteem of the students will be increased and this will enhance learning. By this way students will say I learned instead of I was taught well. (Demircan1990). DISADVANTAGES: It would seem necessary for a teacher to gain a good deal of training and skill in order to apply the Silent Way to the teaching of a total grammar in all its complexity. This method can be benefited by the teacher only in small groups of students. The teacher can gain ability in this method by trying. The teacher is expected to enrich the materials on his/her own. For some teachers the rigidity of the system (no repetitions by the teacher, no answers by the teacher etc.) may be meaningless. For some learners, one limitation is the approach to language basics which begins with seemingly irrelevant discussions about rods and which involves silence and concentration and games with the teacher about meaning. Students expectations and need for immediately relevant language learning may force teachers to abandon the approach (Celce-Murcia 1979). How such a method would in the average classroom situation or how successfully it might be used at more advanced levels is a question mark left in our minds. Language is separated from its social context and taught through artificial situations usually by rods. TEACHER ROLE: The teacher should be silent as much as possible in the classroom to encourage the learner to produce as much language as possible. The teacher is expected to create an environment that encourages students risk taking that facilitates learning. The teacher should give only what help is necessary. In other words, the teacher makes use of what students already know. The more the teacher does for the students what they can do for themselves, the less they will do for themselves (Larsen-Freeman 1986). STUDENT ROLE: The learner is expected to become independent, autonomous, and responsible in language. Learners are expected to interact with each other and suggest alternatives to each other. They must learn to work cooperatively rather than competitively. The teachers silence encourages group cooperation. In order not to miss what the teacher says, learners must give the teacher their attention. Learner-attention is a key to learning. Learners will provide each other with correct models and encourage each others initiative. Thus, this method fosters interdependence and cooperation among learners at the same time it promotes independence from the teacher. METHODOLOGY: A cardinal principle of the Silent Way is respect for the students capacity to work out language problems and recall information on their own with no verbalization and minimal help from the teacher. Vocabulary is taught by means of visual aids and word-charts. Vocabulary is always recycled by means of word-charts. There is a focus on the structures of the language although explicit grammar rules are never given. Some techniques used are: Teaching pronunciation with sound colour charts Cognitive coding with colour rods. Peer correction to improve co-operative manner. Self correction gestures Teachers Silence Structured feedback: students are invited to talk about the days instruction (what they have learnt that day during classes). Students learn to take responsibility for their own learning by becoming aware of themselves, and by controlling and applying their own learning strategies. Fidel Charts: Used to teach sound spelling association. Word Charts: Used to teach and recycle vocabulary. The words are written in different colours so that students can learn basic pronunciation patterns. L1 USAGE: native language can be used to give instructions when necessary. Also native language can be used during the feedback sessions (at least for beginner levels). If the native language is not very essential then it is avoided. During feedback sessions L1 be used at beginning levels. L1 can be exploited. For example, similar sounds in L1 and L2 can be used to make students aware of phonological similarities. L2 USAGE: The use of the target language is essential for this method. L1 can be used to give instructions when necessary. Meaning is made clear by focusing the students perceptions, not by translation. LISTENING, SPEAKING, READING AND WRITING: Pronunciation is emphasized at the very beginning. It is important that students acquire the melody of the language. All four skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) are worked on from the beginning. EVALUATION: although the teacher does not have to give a formal test, she/he assesses student learning all the time. One criterion of whether or not students have learned is their ability to transfer what they have been studying to new contexts. The teacher may never give a formal test. He/she assesses students learning all the time. Continuous monitoring by the teacher is essential. PERSONAL OPINION: Depending on my own teaching and learning experience, too much repetition does not help students. If the students are familiar with their teachers technique, they know that the teacher will repeat the subject-matter once again. Thus, they do not pay enough attention to their teachers talk. On the other hand, if the students know that their teacher will not repeat anymore, they will listen to him/her carefully. Another principle that I agree with is less teacher interference. If the teacher helps only when it is asked, then, that help will be more valuable. Sometimes teachers like me tend to give extra information when students ask something and of course this tires us too much. Therefore students do not make any effort to take the responsibility of their learning. Advocates of the Silent Way feel that more important than the techniques and more important even than the language learning results, is the process, the change that occurs in individuals. This includes understanding and tolerance of another and acceptance of others as contributors to ones own life. TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE: BACKGROUND: Total Physical Response (TPR) is a method developed by Dr. James J. Asher, a professor emeritus of psychology at San Josà © State University, to aid learning second languages. The method became popular in the 1970s and attracted the attention or allegiance of some teachers, but it has not received generalized support from mainstream educators. Language is primarily oral. It is just like the acquisition of native language. Learners first listen (silent period), then oral production starts. Oral communication is crucial. Skillful use of imperatives by the instructor can be helpful for the acquisition of many vocabulary items and grammatical structures. Asher views the verb and particularly the verb in the imperative as the central linguistic motif around which language use and learning are organized. ADVANTAGES: It is fun and easy so students will enjoy the lessons. It does not require a great deal of preparation on the part of the teacher. It is a good tool for learning vocabulary. Class size does not need to be a problem. There is no age barrier. DISADVANTAGES: TPR is reduced to the imperative form. TPR is more useful at beginners. It is not a very creative method. Students are not given the opportunity to express their own views and thoughts in a creative way. It is limited, since everything cannot be explained with this method. It must be combined with other approaches. TEACHER ROLE: the teacher has an active role in this method. He decides what to teach, which materials to use and how they are to be presented. It is important to underline that the teacher ´s role is not simply to teach. His task is offering opportunities for learning. The cognitive map of the target language that each student creates in their mind is going to depend on the way the teacher presents the materials. Teachers should take parents as their model. At the beginning, there will be wide tolerance towards the mistakes students make. If the teacher is constantly interrupting and correcting, students will not be encouraged to talk. They will be inhibited. At first, teachers do not correct children when they begin to speak. STUDENT ROLE: learners have the roles of listeners and performers. First, they must listen to what the teacher says. Then, they are expected to respond physically to those commands given by the teacher. METHODOLOGY: The key for successful language learning is the reduction of stress, such as the first language acquisition (stress-free environment). Listen attentively and respond physically to commands given by the teacher. They are encouraged to speak when they feel ready to speak. Performing physical actions in the target language as a mean of making input comprehensive and minimizing stress grammar is studied in an inductive way. Vocabulary and grammar are introduced through imperatives. Some of the techniques used are: Commands ( sit down, skip, close your eyesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦), Role reversal: Students command their teacher and classmates to perform actions, Action sequence: The teacher may give three connected commands (e.g. Point to the door, walk to the door, and touch the door). L1 USAGE: The method is introduced in the students L1. After the introduction, rarely would the mother tongue be used. Meaning is made through body movements. L2 USAGE: Teacher speaks only in the foreign language, while the students use it only when they are ready. LISTENING, SPEAKING, READING AND WRITING: Natural order of skills: 1. Listening (Very important during the silent period). 2. Speaking (teacher should not force students to produce the language especially during the silent period they are expected to produce the target language voluntarily) 3. Reading 4. Writing EVALUATION: Teachers will know immediately whether or not students understand by observing heir students actions. Formal evaluations can be conducted simply by commanding individual students to perform a series of actions. As students become more advanced, their performance can become the basis for evaluation. PERSONAL OPINION: This is a very useful method to use with all students (children, young and adult students), but only in the first stages of the foreign language learning. I completely agree with learn the foreign language in a non- stress environment, because this is a key factor of the learning. Students learn better in a relaxing atmosphere, like children learn their mother tongue. The kind of activities that the teacher can use is wide and dont require any language answer of the students until they are ready to do that. But teacher has to bear in mind that this method is not enough when students are in a higher level. In that case, students need more communicative activities. SUGGESTOPEDIA BACKGROUND: Suggestopedia is a teaching method developed by the Bulgarian psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov. It is used in different fields, but mostly in the field of foreign language learning. Lozanov has claimed that by using this method a teachers students can learn a language approximately three to five times as quickly as through conventional teaching methods. The theory applied positive suggestion in teaching when it was developed in the 1970s. However, as the method improved, it has focused more on desuggestive learning and now is often called desuggestopedia. Suggestopedia is a mixing of the words suggestion and pedagogy. ADVANTAGES: Increase oral proficiency and lower classroom anxiety. The use of music, relaxing, pleasing and stimulating environmental set-up, motivated and powerful service people (teachers) giving positive messages with their attractive appearance and never-ending energy so it has the potential to increase motivation, among the learners, to try and use the product, which is English here DISADVANTAGES: The first weakness of this method is that the techniques may not work well in all the learners and cultures. It is not a practical method as teachers face the problem of the availability of music and comfortable chairs Lozanov refers in a number of occasions to the importance of memorization, excluding any reference to comprehension and creative problem solving. In fact language is not only about the power of the mind to memorize. Its about understanding, interacting and producing novel utterances in different unpredictable situations. TEACHER ROLE: Teacher is the authority. Learners learn better if they get the information from a reliable authority. Students must trust and respect that authority. STUDENT ROLE: Students play a childs role (infantilization). They adopt a new identity (new name, job, family, etc.). As they feel more secure, they can be less inhibited. METHODOLOGY: Vocabulary is emphasised. Claims about the success of the method often focus on the large number of words that can be acquired. Grammar is taught explicitly but minimally. Explicit grammar rules are provided in L1. Dialogues are used with their translations in L1 on the opposite side. Texts with literary value are used. The textbook posters are used for peripheral learning. Some of the techniques used are: Classroom set up: dim lights, soft music, cushioned armchairs, and posters on the walls. Positive Suggestion: Direct Suggestion: The teacher tells students they are going to be successful to create self-confidence. Indirect Suggestion: This is provided by music and comfortable physical conditions of the classroom. Peripheral Learning: Posters, lists, charts, texts, paintings, and graphs are hung on the walls of the classroom. Students learn from these although their attentions are not directly on these materials. Visualization: Students are asked to close their eyes and concentrate on their breathing. Then the tea